Addressing deepfake concerns through smart Internet use

Anyone with a smartphone and specialized software can create the harmful deepfake images – Copyright AFP Mark RALSTON

As the world faces an increasingly complex digital era, vigilance, and continuous adaptation are crucial to avoid falling victim to devastating cyber scams such as those that form part of deepfake technology.

Identifying a deep fake scam can be challenging. João Mendes Miranda a digital entrepreneur based in Latin America and the founder of NonStop Produções and Chango Digital has told Digital Journal that a number of measures can be considered by businesses and those who are considered vulnerable to such cyberattack.

These include:

Facial analysis

Observe any inconsistencies in facial movements, expressions, or lip-syncing. Deepfakes may have imperfections in these areas.

Lighting and shadows

Pay attention to the lighting in the video. If facial shadows do not match the environment, it may be a sign of manipulation.

Image quality

Deepfakes may exhibit visual artifacts, jagged edges, or distortions. Inconsistently high image quality may also be suspicious.


Verify the context of the video. If something seems out of place or does not make sense with the overall situation, question its authenticity.

Body movements

Assess body movements in conjunction with facial expressions. If there are discrepancies, it may indicate manipulation.

Research reliable sources

Check if the video was shared by trusted and authenticated sources. Seek additional information before concluding.

Professional editing

Deepfakes are often created with advanced editing software. Signs of highly sophisticated editing may be indicative.

Comparison with existing media

Compare the video with other authentic media of the person in question. Knowing the individual’s natural characteristics can aid in detecting discrepancies.

Miranda says of the above idea: “Remember, these tips are not foolproof, and deepfake technology continues to evolve. It is always advisable to approach with caution and verify authenticity with reliable sources, especially in critical situations.”

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