Frost & Sullivan Reveals Top Internet of Things Platforms Poised for Growth

• Access the complimentary tracking solution that identifies top 29 companies with true platform capabilities across multiple verticals and IoT (Internet of Things) applications

With over 60 billion connected devices expected globally by 2024, IoT is a complex ecosystem that integrates Information technology (IT) with operations technology (OT) to generate data that can be analyzed to increase revenues and improve business productivity. IoT platforms are the building blocks of IoT solutions, offering multiple services such as application enablement, device management, and connectivity management.

Frost & Sullivan leveraged in-depth analysis built on a 360-degree research methodology and evaluated over 1,000 platforms globally. The team of analysts and experts then determined 400 companies to have true platform capabilities across multiple vertical markets and consumer segments. Finally, the 29 companies selected for the Frost Radar represent the leaders in the industry that provide a wide range of services and solutions that are at the cutting edge of innovation and growth in this highly fragmented market.

To download the complimentary Internet of Things (IoT) Platforms Frost Radar, please access:

“Companies will gain an objective, independent perspective of their innovation and growth strategies, including their robustness, effectiveness, and relative competitive strength, as well as implications on their long-term success,” explained Dilip Sarangan, IoT Global Program Manager at Frost & Sullivan.

Benefits of this practical, high-impact, scalable tracking solution include :

  • Identify the most cutting-edge innovative platforms, including those most poised for growth and ripe for investment.
  • Understand how companies benchmark against each other in their ability to expand against a backdrop of industry transformation and evolution.
  • Help all end users and industry leaders responsible for making technology solution decisions and selecting providers to build long-term relationships.

Organizations featured in the Internet of Things (IoT) Platforms Frost Radar:

AWS, ARM, AT&T, Ayla Networks, Bosch, C3IoT, Carriots, Cisco Jasper, Dell/EMC, Eurotech, GE, Google, HPE, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Losant, Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce, Samsung, SAP, Siemens, Software AG, ThingWorx, Verizon, Vodafone, and Telit.